BH Slip-Fixed Renewable Thin Wall Bushings

Slip-Fixed Renewable Thin Wall Drill Bushings incorporate two features on one bushing. The SF-TW thin wall drill bushings allow for greater ID range and space saving on the fixture. Used in conjunction with liner bushes, Thin Wall Slip-Fixed Renewable Drill Bushings can be held in place by a lock screw, tenon or stop pin. The bushing is a slide fit in its corresponding liner, which allows for accurate alignment and easy replacement.

The changeable fixed feature of the bushing is typically used in high production work. The bushing can be simply and quickly switched with a minimum loss of production. The removable slip feature of the bush is used when more than one procedure is carried out. Many drill sizes can be used with one bushing liner. The bushing is rapidly removable after each operation. Both methods are designed to speed up operations and increase productivity. The knurled head allows for easy handling of the bushing to enable it to be rotated out of the removable slip feature.

The BONEHAM bushing range represent the highest standard of quality and are available through our comprehensive distributor network.

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