What Are NAAMS?

Logo and information gathered from www.naamsstandards.org
What are NAAMS?
When you first hear the word NAAMS, your initial reaction, myself included, may be to ask “what are NAAMS?” Even after finding out that it is an acronym for North American Automotive Metric Standards, you will probably still be confused. This blog is to help you along the way in understanding what they are and how they are used within the manufacturing and engineering industry. Everything you need to know will be found here!
North American Automotive Metric Standards (NAAMS)
The initiative was first sponsored by the Auto/Steel Partnership in 1992 to bring standardized components into the automotive automation industry. Later in 2010, it was transferred to the United States Council for Automotive Research or USCAR for short. You can find out more on USCAR on their website at www.uscar.org. Producing and maintaining all of this is done through a collaborative effort between Chrysler LLC., Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, and their respective suppliers. More information on the NAAMS initiative can be found on the NAAMS standards website here: http://www.naamsstandards.org/NAAMSOverview.htm
The full name for NAAMS is NAAMS Global Standard Components and it is broken up into two divisions, assembly and stamping. These are approved components to be utilized in designing and manufacturing Stamping Dies and Tooling which aid in producing or joining various workpieces together in the production process.
NAAMS Global Standard Components for Assembly
The assembly division consists of components to be used in conjunction with one another to complete production setups. They include shims and spacers for filling in gaps or creating space where adjustments are needed in the design and manufacturing process. Stop blocks and NC blocks with power clamp arms give workpieces a place to rest while a production process occurs. But, a vital part for all of this is locating. Without having correct placement of workpieces, the production process will be inaccurate. This is achieved by utilizing L-blocks, locating pins, pin retainers, and rough locators. While the rough locator works to get the parts close to the proper position, locating pin setups with L-blocks and pin retainers help to precisely set the workpiece, thereby, locating into position. Risers take a particular setup and elevate it to the desired height. The image below helps to illustrate a common setup that is used in achieving all of this.
Dump units and drop away leaf units are pivot components which are included in the assembly division. Each unit is comprised of their own individually specified parts and when assembled, make up part of the completed production setup. Dump units literally do what their name entails, they “dump” or “feed” parts to and from sections of the production process. Drop away leaf units swing in a circular motion to also either feed or take away workpieces to and from the automation process. Both units are driven by a connected cylinder. The image below shows an assembled dump unit and drop away leaf unit.

Nowadays, robots are making up a lot of the automation industry and have been for many years. NAAMS also have components which are tailored towards this sector of production. End effectors are the hands to a robot which make contact with workpieces. There are end effector frames with robot adapter plates and many brackets that are standard to robot setups including robot risers and bases. See the image below for a common robot setup within the automation world.
There are many other assembly components which are listed below with the ones mentioned above. Each one carries their own PDF catalog of NAAMS codes and dimensional drawings which are accessible by clicking on the corresponding component names.
NAAMS Assembly Catalog
Design Drawing Standards and Tolerances
Steel & Aluminum Stock Sizes
Materials Cross-Reference Table - Excel File
Safety Screen System Components
Bases PDF Files
Bases - CAD Files
Riser Angle Brackets Components
Fastener Components
Power Clamps
L-Blocks Components
Locating Pins and Retainers Components
Shims and Spacers Components
Master Blocks Components
Stop Blocks
Rough Locators Components
Pivots Index
NC Blocks
Pin Packages
NAAMS Standard APP0898
Peripheral Components Index
Modular Welding Guns
Switch Mounting Components
Cylinder and Shock Components
Pin Mounting Modular Assemblies
Pass / Load Stands "Flat" and Fence Panels
Shop Floor Components
Rest Blocks
Safety Pins
NAAMS Global Standard Components for Stamping
The stamping division includes components used in the punch and die stamping process. The full list of components and guidelines can be found in PDF format from the table below by clicking on the desired title name.
NAAMS Stamping Catalog
Double Action Air Cylinder & Components
Dies Cast Materials
Fastener Components
Guide Components
Lift Components
Nitrogen Cylinders & Components
Retaining Components
Springs & Accessories
Wear Components
With the acceptance of NAAMS components into the manufacturing and design industry, production costs have decreased while increasing efficiency at the same time. They have become essential for engineers and manufacturers from start to finish. Not only are they making an impact in the automotive industry but they’ve found their way into many other sectors as well. These include the health industry, food and beverage, and even aerospace. Standard components are the way go!
For more information on NAAMS and their global standard components, click here: www.naamsstandards.org